Sunday, September 12, 2010

Who writes history?

This week in class, we spent a lot of time talking about textbooks. It got me thinking about who actually writes the textbooks we read in school? Is it the author who's name is on the cover or someone completely different? I then went to google news and searched "textbooks" and one of the top hits was this article about the changes different states' boards of education have made to the textbooks they buy. I have a huge problem with the fact that only a small handful of adults get to choose what goes into textbooks and what gets exluded. Even though it would be impossible to include every event that every happened in the history of America, but I think that there are definitely a few that need to be included. Obviously the California/Texas state boards of education would disagree with me. Even though I do believe everything I already talked about, I am still a bit conflicted on how I feel about this issue. On one hand, I think censorship is certainly not a good thing, but on the other hand, I think it is each school's responsibility to decide which textbooks to use and what they teach. I'm still deciding, but have you made up your mind on this issue?

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