Monday, August 1, 2011

The Evolution of MyAmerica: Part III

For my last metapost of this year, I decided to make a Word Cloud (from the website,, which Mr. Bolos showed us earlier this year) of all the writing on my blog.
When I look at this visual representation of the most commonly used words on my blog, I feel like it is a completely accurate summary of my entire year in American Studies. Though some of the words might not seem as important as others, I like the fact that every little concept I thought about this year is represented. For example, if asked to describe the main things we discussed in American Studies, I probably wouldn't think to mention the word "iPhone" anywhere in my summary, but when I saw it on the word cloud as a commonly used word on my blog, I realized that it represents part of the technology we discussed many times throughout the year.

One of the words that sticks out to me the most is "friends". I think the inclusion of this word is really meaningful because it shows how, through this blog, I was able to merge the worlds of school and personal life together. In previous discussion-based classes, I only thought about the class material for the 40 minutes of time allotted to that class period or while completing homework for that class. My experience in American Studies was very unlike these past experiences. This blog allowed me to always subconsciously think about the discussions from class and relate them to things I see in the "real world". Now, it is just a natural reflex for me to be hanging out with my friends and somehow end up finding a parallel between whatever we are doing and a concept from American Studies. I think this is an invaluable skill I will appreciate for the rest of my life and always credit it back to my American Studies class during my junior year of high school.

**The blog post I would like you to grade is The Food Revolution**

1 comment:

  1. Ellie,

    What a great meta-post -- and how impressive that you've blogged so robustly this summer. Way more than the semester's minimum in the past three months alone. You've really grown as a writer and a critical thinker through these posts. Nice job!
