Monday, October 11, 2010

One Size Fits All?

This week in class, we talked a lot about how numbers effect us (mostly in a negative way) in our daily lives. The main examples used were grades, time, and prices. The other day, I realized that another stressful use of numbers is clothing sizes.
Whenever I go shopping with my friends, at least one person says something like, "I wish I could fit into the size 4 dress instead of the 6." It has always bothered me when someone says something like this, but I have just brushed it off as another unavoidable part of life. Even though many different stores have tried to remedy this problem in the past, none of their solutions have stuck. For example, even though Chicos has tried to put different names on sizes, after a few months, everyone had figured out the new system and went back to their old ways. Thinking about it, I'm not sure there can ever be a solution to naming sizes for clothes. Even if different sizes weren't named by numbers, do you think anyone could ever stop caring about their size?

1 comment:

  1. As much as we would like to, it's impossible not to care about size because we are so used to comparing ourselves to other people. When people stop being recognized unless they are the best at something (or thinnest in this case), it becomes a competition between anyone willing to involve herself in order to gain that certain identity.
