Today, as I was quickly clicking through the top stories on AOL's homepage, I noticed that two out of the forty "top news stories" had to do with stress. I found this really interesting because, as I write my junior theme about stress, I am beginning to notice articles, news stories, and personal stories about stress everywhere. The first article,
Change to Make You More Positive, talks about the idea that stress characterizes our lives. It certainly isn't an uplifting article, but instead makes you think about why people whine about being stressed so often. Then, a few links later, you come across an article titled,
Reduce Stress in Just Six Seconds. I don't know if the editors of the AOL homepage did this on purpose, but it seems like they linked to the original article about stress and then felt guilty for being negative, so they added a link to this article to help people calm down. Overall, I just thought it was interesting that people in America are so focused on stress. Do you think stress could be considered a
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