Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bad Teachers?

While browsing the AOL homepage this afternoon, I came across a headline "Atlanta Public Schools Shaken by Cheating Report". Relating this headline to some of the research I did for my junior theme, I clicked on the link immediately and began reading the article expecting to read about some students who were under a lot of stress which caused them to cheat. Much to my surprise, after reading the first few lines of the article, I discovered that the students were not the ones cheating, but it was actually the teachers. The article states that "the pressures placed on teachers by policies that stress standardized test scores -- such as No Child Left Behind -- foster an environment ripe for cheating." This proves that there is stress on every person involved in the education system. Not only are students feeling pressured to do well on exams in order to get into a top college, but teachers also feel pressured to show improvement in their students test scores.

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