Saturday, July 2, 2011

My Artifacts

At the beginning of the school year, I wrote a blog titled "American Artifacts" about what the main things that will represent our society in the future if we were all to disappear. Now, as I work on completing my junior year, I've decided to think about the artifacts that represent the past year of my life.

1. My Facebook page- Though parents often complain about Facebook as an unneeded distraction in teens' lives, I think Facebook is a great way to record ourselves during different times in our lives. Not only is it a virtual photo album, but it also saves our conversations with friends so in then future we can remember who we were friends with and what we used to like talking about.

2. My iPhone- I am one of those crazy people who saves every text and writes down every appointment or event in my iPhone calendar. In 20 years I will be able to look back and see my exact schedule for getting ready for prom or what times I worked during the summer.

3. THIS BLOG!- Out of all the things listed above, I think this blog will be the most telling artifact about who I was during my junior year of high school. Each blog entry represents exactly what I was thinking about when I wrote it and what things stood out to me the most
during that week. I can't wait to look back and read this blog in 10 or 20 years and remember
exactly what I thought as a 17 year old.

Now, after writing this post, I see that all of the three artifacts I chose are forms of technology. I think this shows what a technology-based society we are. Technology will definitely help us remember our lives with more detail than possible before. Do you see this as a good thing or an invasion of privacy?

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