Saturday, July 16, 2011


Numerous times throughout our year in American Studies, the topic of teenagers and the Internet has come up. The discussion generally centered around whether the extreme amount of technology in young adults' lives is a good or bad thing. Personally, I still haven't made up my mind because, as much as I love having Facebook to keep in touch with friends and relatives, I don't know if the positives outweigh the negatives.

This morning, I stumbled upon an advertisement for a movement called Delete Digital Drama. Basically, the goal of this campaign is to make teenagers aware of how hurtful cyberbullying can be and how it can effect its victims. I think this is an extremely important cause, and can even think of numerous times I have heard of my peers at New Trier being cyberbullied. I think the main reason cyberbullying has become so common in America is because it adds a feeling of anonymity to the person who is being the bully. I almost guarantee that a person would never say a lot of the hurtful things they write on Facebook to the face of the person. Even though I'm still uncertain about what I think about Facebook, I certainly think this is a worthy cause. I encourage you to join the campaign to fight cyberbullying and think before you type!

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